Diamonds and Pearls of Wisdom

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Carolina Glam Book Review: The Fashion File – Advice, Tips, and Inspiration from the Costume Designer of Mad Men

I bought this book on a whim. My relationship with the television show Mad Men is ambiguous at best. I own the first season on DVD, loaned it to my friend Derwin, and never got it back. I haven’t watched subsequent seasons.
However, the clothes are divine and have influenced everyone from Michael Kors to the designers at Banana Republic. So, I was more than a little curious about a book that promised to reveal the show’s costume secrets.  
The Fashion File by Janie Bryant, the show’s costume designer, did not disappoint. The book illustrated how a woman could cultivate herself as a leading lady – whether she is a Joan, Betty or Peggy – using elements such as color, body shape, and vintage clothing and accessories. Even if you, like I, did not fall comfortably into any of these character types, Fashion File included many helpful tips on developing signature style.

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