Diamonds and Pearls of Wisdom

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Halle Berry Makes the Cover of September Vogue

Halle Berry's stunning career of "first" did not end when she was the first African American in 2002 to win the Best Actress Oscar.

Berry is the first African American woman to be featured on the September issue of Vogue.

This is huge. In the fashion magazine world, the September issue, especially Vogue, is the only one that matters because it sets the tone of what we'll be wearing for the next six months and beyond. The March issue previews the spring trends.

Considering Vogue editor Anna Wintour's less than kind comment that African Americans don't sell magazines, this is a huge step forward for a magazine that can sometimes be pretentious and out-of-reach for most American women. "Style for Less" items that cost $500 or more don't exactly appeal to the average working woman's pocketbook, but that's another post.

Berry is conventionally beautiful and she could easily grace the cover of any magazine at any time of the year. Her coup of the Vogue September cover is important because the so-called "fashion Bible" has sanctified that beauty doesn't always come in a blond-haired, blue-eyed, under-the-age-of-30 package.

So yes, I plucked down my next to last five dollars for the magazine. To see a strong African American woman on the cover of Vogue looking every bit as beautiful and voluptuous as Jennifer Anniston and Julia Roberts (who graced the September covers of Harper's Bazaar and Elle, respectively) was worth every penny.


  1. Ahem: "...every bit as beautiful and voluptuous as Jennifer Anniston and Julia Roberts."?
    Halle Berry is WAY MORE beautiful than both of those women. Just sayin'.

  2. Just say no to that wig, though. That cut is too weird and it doesn't look natural. One woman's opinion.

  3. @ Eve -- I'm not crazy about the Josephine Baker wig and wonder why her natural hair wasn't used for the shoot.

    @ Dana -- You're right. Halle Berry is way more beautiful than those women. She could carry the cover of any magazine at any time of the year.
