It’s the most wonderful tiiiime of the yeaaar!
That’s right kids. It’s fall fashion magazine time. As previously blogged, the September issue of the major fashion magazines has hit the newsstands. Oozing with fall trends, advice on how to wear them, edgy photo spreads, and iconic ads, the September issue is not one to be missed.
I read the magazine at least three times. I skim it the first time, earmarking things I’d like to read. I read it the second time. The third time I cut out photographs that catch my eye for my fall fashion look book. (Yes, I really do need to get a hobby.) Then, I decide whether I will keep the magazine for my collection or send it to my hair salon for recycling.
I sort the photographs and choose the ones to which I have an emotional draw and try to make a story out of them. It tells me what kinds of textures, silhouettes, colors, and looks I’m drawn to for the season. I then try to recreate my look book in my closet.
This season, I seem to be drawn to several trends – 60s ladylike classic, 70s Charlie girl, and the military-inspired look.
The best fall fashion spread came from a surprise source – Real Simple. The magazine has a pretty decent fashion and beauty section to offset features on alternative uses for paper clips and pork chop recipes. In addition, Real Simple and O Magazine are the only ones to feature fashion for grown-ups. No fashion features with the Olson Twins, the Gossip Girls, or the Twilight Chicks.
Bottom line: Designers have finally realized that women want to look like women, not like extras in a Robert Palmer video. If you don't want to follow the trends, it's a good season for buying quality pants, coats, cashmere sweaters and classic basics.
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Seriously in love with that first dress, the tights and shoes. Sign me up for that outfit NOW.